Nana and I have played Scrabble for years and we did not initially expect this game to be horribly different from those of years past. However, after a short time (two or three turns to be exact) we came to realize that something about this game was different. This can be said with great confidence because each of us drew seven terrible tiles; if she drew five vowels, then I drew six consonants. This plagued us until I had to throw back all of my tiles which was something I never fathomed having to do as I am usually fairly crafty with my tiles. Praying for some sort of miracle as my nana had pulled far ahead score wise (something I was not used to either) I cautiously dipped my hand into the bag of tiles and began pulling them out one by one. With each new letter my eyes grew larger for I could see the possibility of greatness approaching. To my surprise, I pulled out every letter I hoped for and saw a seven letter word possibility. An

Both of us were astonished, I immediately told her I had to blog about it. This was a bit of a mistake because it resulted in a long detour into what an explanation of what a blog is and a checking of Nana's email, which took forever because she recently "purchased" free Internet. After trying to ease her anxieties of sending an email over her slow Internet (she was worried someone wouldn't want to get an email from her because it traveled via her SLOW Internet). Anyway, eventually we had to hurry the game along so that I could pick Laurel up from work...
Our finished Scrabble board is pictured below. Please excuse the misspelled "whim" towards the bottom of the board; incorrectly spelling at least one word wrong is also a family tradition, albeit one that is not meant to occur.