Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Full Steam Ahead on the Word Train

It seemed quite clear a while ago, that I needed to jump on the blogging bandwagon my friends had so quickly caught and begin writing my own online tirades; however, as usual, I boarded the word train a little behind the rest. Hopefully my friends (who I know will probably not read this until a few weeks or months after my writing it because of the sloth like pace I will acquire when notifying them of its creation) will forgive of such tardiness and begin reading it religiously because of the horribly interesting things I will post...who am I kidding, my life is not nearly that exciting! Anyway, as I have not spoken to many of them lately, I will begin my blog by giving them a brief update.

As of late, life has been fairly interesting. Most recently I cut all off my luscious locks and now have very short hair (I am still trying to decide if this was a good idea). I completed my pharmacy technician classes and received a passing score on my test and am now waiting on the state to approve my license....and we all know how quickly the government responds to such requests. This is of course an excellent thing because I have been stirring up trouble for myself in the front end of the store by being overzealous and too protective of the store's merchandise. Briefly put, such courage resulted in my being assaulted, i.e., punched in the face....but all in a day's work at Rite Aid I guess...

Fourth of July was fun, I made pomegranate popsicles, a family tradition since 2007, and my cousin blasted the Star Spangled Banner on his trombone in my aunt's front yard in order to commence the firework show. This year he was a bit shaky and as a result, my father and I proudly (and quite beautifully I might add) sang what portions of the song we knew; so wonderfully in fact, that I am nearly certain the neighborhood cats and dogs decided to join in with their harsh hissing and melancholy howling.

Alas, I have no more words, and my eyes are getting, I suppose I will make this the end of my first post.


Dear Chicka said...

Ryan I love that you are an official blogger! I will read your blog most religiously so you better keep posting. You got punched in the face?!?!?? I think you need a post entirely on that subject :)

Caught in the Web said...

RYYYYAAAAANNNN! I am so glad that you are blogging now! Like Anna Rose, I too will be reading your blog. So... please keep me updated on everything. I will invite me to my blog ASAP!