Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! May the peace and love of Christ be with you all during the next fifty days of Easter!

Surrexit Dominus vere, alleluia!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Beware of the Broiler

In an effort to curb my current spastic writing tendencies (or lack there of), I suppose I will offer up a story this evening. The other night, I nearly lost all of my hair...yes, it nearly went up in a ball of fire and a cloud of smoke. You see, in an effort to make dinner, I dipped my head into the oven and neglected to remind myself that the broiler was on; and in doing so missed the flame shooting from the top most portion of my oven. I sat down to eat our delicious dinner of rolls with pesto, peppered turkey, mozzarella, and tomato when Laurel unsuspectingly brushed the top of my head. After such a motion, I noticed the smell of something burning and commented on such an observation. Casually, Laurel replied that perhaps I was smelling an old campfire or something. This I knew, however, could not have been the case, that is unless her campfires were composed of synthetic materials that did not smell like burning wood. Hurriedly, I ran into the kitchen, suspecting the worst. Not finding any fiery messes or melting plastic, I returned to the living room where Laurel asked what was covering my face and mentioned that she thought my hair had caught on fire. Confused, and a wee bit perplexed, I ran to the bathroom and did in fact discover that my hair had caught on fire. This left me thinking that though, I was in need of a trim, using the broiler was probably not the best avenue into acquiring one.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

S.S.S.: Some Serious Scrabble

It has certainly been too long since I last delved into the happenings and occurrences that fill my otherwise mundane life with shimmering specks of greatness! Most recently (okay, so maybe last year just before Christmas), my nana and I played a Scrabble game of epic proportions that resulted in many highs, lows and firsts. As is usual, my nana and I shared a delicious dinner of pasta, after which we partook in a dessert of old ice cream littered with ice chips. With food filling our bellies, the Scrabble board came out and we began a game that will forever go down in the family history books.

Nana and I have played Scrabble for years and we did not initially expect this game to be horribly different from those of years past. However, after a short time (two or three turns to be exact) we came to realize that something about this game was different. This can be said with great confidence because each of us drew seven terrible tiles; if she drew five vowels, then I drew six consonants. This plagued us until I had to throw back all of my tiles which was something I never fathomed having to do as I am usually fairly crafty with my tiles. Praying for some sort of miracle as my nana had pulled far ahead score wise (something I was not used to either) I cautiously dipped my hand into the bag of tiles and began pulling them out one by one. With each new letter my eyes grew larger for I could see the possibility of greatness approaching. To my surprise, I pulled out every letter I hoped for and saw a seven letter word possibility. Anxiously, I waited for my nana to take her turn. I probably needed some sort of anti-anxiety medication at this point for she took, as usual,what seemed like forever to form a word using at least one double word square and maybe a triple letter square so as to increase her one point "a" tile to a whopping three points. The wait was well worth it, for on my next turn I gleefully placed my seven tiles on the board, utilizing the word she created on her last turn.

Both of us were astonished, I immediately told her I had to blog about it. This was a bit of a mistake because it resulted in a long detour into what an explanation of what a blog is and a checking of Nana's email, which took forever because she recently "purchased" free Internet. After trying to ease her anxieties of sending an email over her slow Internet (she was worried someone wouldn't want to get an email from her because it traveled via her SLOW Internet). Anyway, eventually we had to hurry the game along so that I could pick Laurel up from work...

Our finished Scrabble board is pictured below. Please excuse the misspelled "whim" towards the bottom of the board; incorrectly spelling at least one word wrong is also a family tradition, albeit one that is not meant to occur.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Multivitamin + Apple Cider Vinegar = Healthy

In the recent weeks, I have come to know a certain food blogger quite well and as a result of our relationship, and her CONSTANT nagging, I have decided to make a few "healthy" changes in regards to my diet. Most specifically, I have decided to take a multivitamin and ingest a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar each evening.

While this may seem an easy task, the vinegar is grimace inducing and burns as it slowly travels across the walls of the esophagus. So, why the vinegar? Well, according to my father, it is quite healthy and because of the vinegar's harshness, it can be a fairly decent test of a male's masculinity. There are many fond memories which include the vinegar, one of which involved my brother and I seeing who could swallow the most without making a face. I had also considered including a clove of garlic in my "healthy" changes, however, I decided this would probably result in nagging of a different sort.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Great Link to a Great Story!

I would like to encourage everyone to visit the link's a great piece in the usually terrible Sacramento Bee!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The air was brisk that morning and the anticipation of running for thirteen miles caused my heart to beat like the wings of a hummingbird (that means fast for those of you who might not be sure). My aunt and I stood, waiting for the race to begin, the smell of urine from the nearby urinals stinging our unfortunate nostrils; we were forced to the back so as not to get trampled by the faster and more experienced runners. She wore her tank top with pants, while I wore a t-shirt with my grandfather's face on it...her's was destroyed because of it's ill crafting on the part of my father. My newly purchased synthetic socks caressed my feet in ways I knew not possible and the pockets of my brother's shorts were filled with energy goo made by HEET (because they use more natural ingredients and goodness knows I put enough preservatives in my body), the taste of which I still did not know. As the race began, I realized I would probably miss high mass, a thought which was non too pleasing, but running the race and low mass would have to suffice for the missing incense and superb choir that would normally fill my nostrils and grace my ears. With "Macho, Macho Man" playing in my ears, the race began and all of us trampled forward like a herd of cattle. The first mile I found myself having difficulty getting in front of those slower people; by this time I left my aunt eating the dust and gravel I was kicking up with my new shoes purchased at Fleet Feet. Eventually, I found myself singing "Lay All Your Love on Me" and pulling ahead of the pack...I imagine the people around me were fairly glad I was passing them because of my awful singing (probably starting each one higher than I should be as I as told last Friday) and distracting arm movements (yes, I dance run...but that was nothing new to those of you who know me too well...). The first few miles were filled with the beautifully designed homes of William Land Park, their architecture was extremely pleasing and helped me forget I had many more miles to go. Eventually, I saw my parents and very happily waved in their direction all the while wondering how much longer it would take my aunt to get to the local I just passed. After running through the "projects" of Sacramento, an area in which I picked up the pace so as not to get shot or mugged or the like (okay, so maybe I was not worried at all, but I do like to embellish). Once the levy was reached I chewed on my first gel thingy which was quite delicious and tasted like raspberry jam! It was at this point that I realized I should have utilized the facilities because my bladder was hurting (I never seem to prepare for the water I chug before a race or movie for that matter). And after using the restroom, which was one of the most awkward experiences of my whole entire life, I continued on, ignoring the slight fatigue my legs were expressing. The river water was beautiful, reflecting the bright blue sky, it's surface dotted by a few docked boats. Then, at mile eight I experienced the WORST CRAMP OF MY LIFE...I pretty much thought I was going to die, but continued on so as not to renig on the promise to both my father and myself that I would not walk any portion of the race. At mile nine, I was praying for mile ten and the comfort I would find in the last gel I had in my pocket (I had to ration them as I had foolishly only brought two with me). Mile ten approached and I smiled with the prospect that the tropical goo would be tantalizing my taste buds with its slimy deliciousness. After its consumption I managed to cross paths with my aunt (we had to make a loop) and called out her name; she looked somewhat disoriented, but determined to finish the run. Here, we reentered the beautiful neighborhoods I was yet again revitalized, the beauty of my surroundings breathing new life into me. The last mile, I picked up the pace and with the end in sight I sprinted as if I was out running a cunning puma; I could hear my mother yelling out my name as I zoomed past her. This last bit was quite agonizing as I used every ounce of energy I had. In the end I ran an average 9:14 mile for a time of two hours and one minute...I was quite pleased as I simply wanted to stay around a ten minute mile. I must say, that the half marathon was quite amazing, and after its completion I was quite excited for the full marathon in December, though my aunt and I have decided we are going to both have our shirts professionally made because we can't be out of fashion while we run...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Just Because...

I think these are amazing, I think I will post them:


1. May I offer you a light for that votive candle?

2. Hi there. My buddy and I were wondering if you would settle a dispute we're having. Do you think the word should be pronounced HOMEschooling, or homeSCHOOLing?

3. Sorry, but I couldn't help but noticing how cute you look in that ankle-length, shapeless, plaid jumper.

4. What's a nice girl like you doing at a First Saturday Rosary Cenacle like this?

5. You don't like the culture of death either? Wow! We have so much in common!

6. Let's get out of here. I know a much cozier little Catholic bookstore downtown.

7. I bet I can guess your confirmation name.

8. You've got stunning scapular-brown eyes.

9. Did you feel what I felt when we reached into the holy water font at the same time?

10. Confess here often?

11. Care to join me for bread and water at lunch on Friday? (eg during Lent or Advent).

12. In church shop: Would you help me pick out a holy card for my mother?

13. May I adjust that kneeler for you?

14. Do you follow the Mass in Latin or in English translation?

15. Would you care to join me for coffee on Sunday morning, say 15 minutes after Latin Mass in the Church Hall?

16. What's your favorite virtue?

17. How does fish and beer sound for dinner?

18. Do you always sing the Te Deum so sweetly?

19. Would you mind if I consecrate your lovely smile to the Blessed Mother?

20. Would you and at least two chaperons care to join me for dinner?

21. You're so cute when you try to keep your veil from sliding off!

22. I like your 10 younger brothers and sisters but I like you more.

23. Did you hear the same homily that I heard?

24. Care to take a ride in my 15 passenger van?